Khammash |
2006 Semi-Plenary Lecturer, MTNS, Kobe, Japan |
2006 |
Khammash |
2007 ECE Distinguished Lecturer, Michigan State University |
2007 |
Khammash |
2007 IEEE Fellow for contributions to robust control and its applications |
2007 |
Kokotovic |
1980 Fellow of the IEEE |
1980 |
Kokotovic |
1980 Foreign expert to evaluate West German's Institute for Flight Dynamics |
1980 |
Kokotovic |
1982 Lecturer at the French National Seminar (CNRS) on "New Tools for Control," Paris |
1982 |
Kokotovic |
1984 IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control Outstanding Paper Award |
1984 |
Kokotovic |
1987 D.C. Drucker Eminent Faculty Award, University of Illinois, Urbana |
1987 |
Kokotovic |
1990 Grainger Endowed Chair, University of Illinois, Urbana |
1990 |
Kokotovic |
1990 Quazza Medal, Highest Triennial Award, International Federation of Automatic Control |
1990 |
Kokotovic |
2002 Richard E. Bellman Control Heritage Award, American Automatic Control Council |
1990 |
Kokotovic |
1991 IEEE Bode Prize Lecture |
1991 |
Kokotovic |
2012 Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences |
2011 |
Kokotovic |
1992 Foreign Expert to Evaluate French National Institute (INRIA) |
1993 |
Kokotovic |
1993 IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control Outstanding Paper Award |
1995 |
Kokotovic |
1995 IEEE Control Systems Award |
1996 |
Kokotovic |
1996 Member, National Academy of Engineering |
2001 |
Kokotovic |
2001 James H. Mulligan, Jr. Educational Medal, IEEE |
2002 |
Kokotovic |
2009 Sigma Xi Monie A. Ferst Award |
2009 |
Krechetnikov |
2010 Hellman Family Faculty Award |
2010 |