Hespanha |
2005 Best paper award at the 2nd Int. Conf. on Intelligent Sensing and Information Processing |
2005 |
Hespanha |
2006 IEEE Control Systems Society G.H. Axelby Outstanding Paper Award |
2006 |
Hespanha |
2007-2011 IEEE Distinguished Lecturer |
2007 |
Hespanha |
2008 IEEE Fellow for contributions to stability techniques for switched and hybrid systems |
2008 |
Hespanha |
2009 Ruberti Young Researcher Prize for fundamental contributions to adaptive control and to the theory of switched and hybrid systems |
2009 |
Hespanha |
2009-2011 Elected member of the IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS) Board of Governors (BoG) |
2009 |
Hespanha |
2009 Semi-plenary Speaker, Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), Guilin. |
2009 |
Hespanha |
2010 Keynote Speaker, 52th Turkish National Symposium on Automatic Control (TOK'2010) |
2010 |
Hespanha |
2010 Semi-plenary Speaker at the 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC'2010) |
2010 |
Hespanha |
2011 Plenary Speaker, XIV Workshop on Information Processing and Control (RPIC2011) |
2011 |
Hespanha |
2012 Keynote Speaker at the 3rd International Workshop on Wireless Networking and Control for Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles |
2012 |
Hespanha |
2016 IFAC Fellow |
2016 |
Hespanha |
2013 Plenary speaker at the 4th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems (NECSYS'13) |
2013 |
Hespanha |
2014 Plenary speaker at the 1st Multi-symposium on Control Systems (MSCS2014) |
2016 |
Hespanha |
2014 Keynote speaker at the IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation (IEEE ICCA) |
2014 |
Hespanha |
2017 Plenary speaker at the 6th Midwest Workshop on Control and Game Theory |
2017 |
Hespanha |
2018 Plenary speaker at the Brazilian Automation Congress (CBA) |
2018 |
Hespanha |
2018 Plenary speaker at the Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security
(GameSec) |
2018 |
Gibou |
NSF Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Fellowship |
Gibou |
Regent's Junior Faculty Fellowship |