A backstepping approach to control of active suspensions. IEEE CONFERENCE ON DECISION AND CONTROL - PROCEEDINGS. :4170-4175.
2001. Backstepping design with local optimality matching. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 46:1014-1027.
2001. The basic attractor of the viscous Moore-Greitzer equation. JOURNAL OF NONLINEAR SCIENCE. 11:169-192.
2001. A brief look at the Tsypkin criterion: from analysis to design. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADAPTIVE CONTROL AND SIGNAL PROCESSING. 15:121-128.
2001. Category-based image retrieval. :596-599.
2001. Changing supply functions in input to state stable systems: The discrete-time case. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 46:960-962.
2001. Color and texture descriptors. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY. 11:703-715.
2001. Composition estimations in a middle-vessel batch distillation column using artificial neural networks. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN. 79:689-696.
2001. The conjugates, compositions and marginals of convex functions. JOURNAL OF CONVEX ANALYSIS. 8:423-446.
2001. Constrained nearest neighbor queries. ADVANCES IN SPATIAL AND TEMPORAL DATABASES, PROCEEDINGS. 2121:257-276.
2001. Constraint partitioning for stability in path-constrained dynamic optimization problems. SIAM JOURNAL ON SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING. 22:2051-2074.
2001. Constraint partitioning for structure in path-constrained dynamic optimization problems. APPLIED NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS. 39:105-126.
2001. Constructive nonlinear control: a historical perspective. AUTOMATICA. 37:637-662.
2001. COOPT - a software package for optimal control of large-scale differential-algebraic equation systems. MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTERS IN SIMULATION. 56:187-203.
2001. The degenerate bounded errors-in-variables model. SIAM JOURNAL ON MATRIX ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS. 23:138-166.
2001. Design and analysis of a dynamic MEM chemical sensor. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN CONTROL CONFERENCE. :1214-1218.
2001. .
2001. Disturbance attenuating output-feedback control of nonlinear systems with local optimality. AUTOMATICA. 37:805-817.
2001. On the dynamics of a harmonic oscillator undergoing impacts with a vibrating platform. NONLINEAR DYNAMICS. 24:333-358.
2001. An efficient color representation for image retrieval. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING. 10:140-147.
2001. Energy amplification in channel flows with stochastic excitation. PHYSICS OF FLUIDS. 13:3258-3269.
2001. Experimental results in optimal linear anti-windup compensation. IEEE CONFERENCE ON DECISION AND CONTROL - PROCEEDINGS. :2657-2662.
2001. Extending LaSalle's Invariance Principle to switched linear systems. IEEE CONFERENCE ON DECISION AND CONTROL - PROCEEDINGS. :2496-2501.
2001. Fast and stable reduction of diagonal plus semi-separable matrices to tridiagonal and bidiagonal form. BIT. 41:149-157.
2001. Fast and stable two-way algorithm for diagonal plus semi-separable systems of linear equations. NUMERICAL LINEAR ALGEBRA WITH APPLICATIONS. 8:7-12.