
Awardee Award Datesort ascending
Khammash 2007 ECE Distinguished Lecturer, Michigan State University 2007
Khammash 2007 IEEE Fellow for contributions to robust control and its applications 2007
Teel 2007 Plenary Speaker, 26th Chinese Control Conference, Zhangjiajie Hunan 2007
Hespanha 2007-2011 IEEE Distinguished Lecturer 2007
Arcak 2006 American Automatic Control Council Donald P. Eckman Award for outstanding contributions to feedback design of nonlinear systems and networks, and innovative applications to fuel cell technology 2006
Bullo 2006 ACC Best Student Paper Award Winner (as advisor) 2006
Ganguli 2006 American Control Conference (ACC) Best Student Paper Award 2006
Petzold 2006 Fellow of the AAAS 2006
Bullo 2006 Plenary Speaker, 25th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, The Netherlands 2006
Bullo 2006 Plenary Speaker, 9th Workshop on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC), Santa Barbara 2006
Hespanha 2006 IEEE Control Systems Society G.H. Axelby Outstanding Paper Award 2006
Moehlis 2006 National Science Foundation CAREER Award 2006
Mellichamp 2006 Santa Barbara Medal 2006
Khammash 2006 Semi-Plenary Lecturer, MTNS, Kobe, Japan 2006
Gibou 2006 Sloan Research Fellowship in Mathematics 2006
Bullo 2005 Plenary Speaker, Workshop on Networked Embedded Sensing and Control, South Bend, IN 2005
Bullo 2005 Best Student Paper Award Finalist (as advisor), American Control Conference, Portland, OR 2005
Doyle 2005 AIChE Computing in Chemical Engineering Award 2005
Moehlis 2005 Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship in Mathematics 2005
Hespanha 2005 Automatica Theory/Methodology best paper prize. This prize is awarded once every three years by the International Federation of Automatic Control to the best theory/methodology paper published in the previous three years in the journal Automatica. 2005
