
Awardee Award Datesort descending
Gibou NSF Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Fellowship
Gibou Regent's Junior Faculty Fellowship
Gibou The Robert Sorgenfrey Distinguished Teaching Award
Seborg 1973 Best Paper Award at the Joint Automatic Control Conference, Columbus, OH (shared with R.G. Wilson and D.G. Fisher) 1973
Putinar 1977 First Prize at the Student Balkaniad of Mathematics, Belgrade, Yugoslavia 1977
Kokotovic 1980 Fellow of the IEEE 1980
Kokotovic 1980 Foreign expert to evaluate West German's Institute for Flight Dynamics 1980
Seborg 1980 Technical Achievement Award/, Southern California Section of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers 1980
Kokotovic 1982 Lecturer at the French National Seminar (CNRS) on "New Tools for Control," Paris 1982
Kokotovic 1984 IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control Outstanding Paper Award 1984
Kokotovic 1987 D.C. Drucker Eminent Faculty Award, University of Illinois, Urbana 1987
Putinar 1987 Simion Stoilow Prize of the Romanian Academy 1987
Kokotovic 1990 Grainger Endowed Chair, University of Illinois, Urbana 1990
Putinar 1990 International Mathematical Union Grant 1990
Seborg 1990 Meriam-Wiley Distinguished Author Award/, American Society of Engineering Education (shared with T.F. Edgar and D.A. Mellichamp) 1990
Kokotovic 1990 Quazza Medal, Highest Triennial Award, International Federation of Automatic Control 1990
Kokotovic 2002 Richard E. Bellman Control Heritage Award, American Automatic Control Council 1990
Putinar 1991 Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship, Germany 1991
Kokotovic 1991 IEEE Bode Prize Lecture 1991
Petzold 1991 Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software 1991
