Bamieh |
2004 Plenary Speaker, 23rd Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control |
2004 |
Teel |
2004 Plenary Speaker, 6th IFAC Nonlinear Control Systems Design Symposium, Stuttgart |
2004 |
Teel |
2004 Plenary Speaker, The 5th Asian Control Conference, Melbourne |
2004 |
Bullo |
2004 Semi-plenary Speaker, MTNS, Leuven, Belgium |
2004 |
Doyle |
2005 AIChE Computing in Chemical Engineering Award |
2005 |
Moehlis |
2005 Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship in Mathematics |
2005 |
Hespanha |
2005 Automatica Theory/Methodology best paper prize. This prize is awarded once every three years by the International Federation of Automatic Control to the best theory/methodology paper published in the previous three years in the journal Automatica. |
2005 |
Hespanha |
2005 Best paper award at the 2nd Int. Conf. on Intelligent Sensing and Information Processing |
2005 |
Bullo |
2005 Best Student Paper Award Finalist (as advisor), American Control Conference, Portland, OR |
2005 |
Mezic |
2005 Plenary Lecturer, SIAM Control Theory Meeting, New Orleans |
2005 |
Bullo |
2005 Plenary Speaker, Workshop on Networked Embedded Sensing and Control, South Bend, IN |
2005 |
Bullo |
2006 ACC Best Student Paper Award Winner (as advisor) |
2006 |
Arcak |
2006 American Automatic Control Council Donald P. Eckman Award for outstanding contributions to feedback design of nonlinear systems and networks, and innovative applications to fuel cell technology |
2006 |
Ganguli |
2006 American Control Conference (ACC) Best Student Paper Award |
2006 |
Petzold |
2006 Fellow of the AAAS |
2006 |
Hespanha |
2006 IEEE Control Systems Society G.H. Axelby Outstanding Paper Award |
2006 |
Moehlis |
2006 National Science Foundation CAREER Award |
2006 |
Bullo |
2006 Plenary Speaker, 25th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, The Netherlands |
2006 |
Bullo |
2006 Plenary Speaker, 9th Workshop on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC), Santa Barbara |
2006 |
Mellichamp |
2006 Santa Barbara Medal |
2006 |