The Hahn-Banach-Lagrange Theorem
Stephen Simons
Speaker's Bio
Stephen Simons was born in London, England. He received both his B.A. and Ph.D from Trinity College in Cambridge, England, in 1959, and 1962, respectively. He began teaching at the University of California, Santa Barbara in 1965 in the Mathematics department. Professor Simons served as the Chair of the Mathematics dept. at UCSB from 1975-77, and from 1988-89. He also served as the Assistant Dean of the College of Letters and Sciences in 1987. Professor Simons has served on the board of trustees of the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute at Berkeley, the editorial board of “Journal of Convex Analysis”, and the editorial board of “Set-Valued and Variational Analysis”. He is currently a Professor Emeritus of Math at UCSB.