(Robust) Stability of Motion

January 25, 2013, Webb 1100

Chris Kellett

University of Newcastle, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science


Many different concepts have been proposed, studied, and used when considering stability and/or performance of control systems. Most frequently, these concepts involve bounds on the size of system trajectories. Quantifying size by using different norms is one way in which many stability and performance concepts apparently differ. We may also consider systems with inputs, outputs, both of these, or neither. Furthermore, it is possible to consider different  relationships amongst inputs, outputs, and states. Many, if not most, of these relationships provide insight into the behavior of the system under study. In this talk we will specifically examine several variants of input-to-state stability and L2-gain and explore relationships between, and generalizations of, these concepts.

Speaker's Bio

Dr. Kellett earned Bachelor of Science degrees in Electrical Engineering and Mathematics from the University of California Riverside in 1997, and the Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of California Santa Barbara in 2000 and 2002, respectively.
He subsequently held postdoctoral research positions at Ecole des Mines de Paris (France) in the Centre d'Automatique et Systemes, at the University of Melbourne (Australia) in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and at the Hamilton Institute (Ireland), based at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth.

Dr. Kellett joined the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Newcastle in 2006.  He has taught a range of subjects across electrical, computer, and telecommunications engineering, while his research interests span control, power systems, communication, and information theory.

Dr. Kellett is currently supported by an Australian Research Council Future Fellowship.  He has been awarded the Vice-Chancellor's Award for Teaching Excellence in the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment (2011) and a Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Germany).

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