Hyperbolic PDEs and Delay Systems: Control Designs and Applications
Miroslav Krstić
Speaker's Bio
Miroslav Krstic holds the Daniel L. Alspach endowed chair and is the founding director of the Cymer Center for Control Systems and Dynamics at UC San Diego. He also serves as Associate Vice Chancellor for Research at UCSD. Krstic is a Fellow of IEEE and IFAC and a recipient of the PECASE, NSF Career Award, ONR Young Investigator Award, the Axelby and Schuck Paper Prizes, and was the first recipient of the UCSD Research Award from engineering. Krstic has held the Springer Professorship at UC Berkeley, the Royal Academy of Engineering Distinguished Fellowship, and visiting professorships at Universities Denis Diderot and Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris. He serves as Senior Editor in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control and Automatica and as editor in several book series with Springer-Verlag and Birkhauser. He has served as chair of the IEEE CSS Fellow Committee. Krstic has delivered nearly 20 keynote lectures and has coauthored 10 books on adaptive, nonlinear, and stochastic control, extremum seeking, and control of PDE and delay systems.