Newton-Raphson consensus for distributed convex optimization
Luca Schenato
Speaker's Bio
Luca Schenato is currently Associate Professor at the University of Padova. He received the Laurea Degree from the University of Padova in 1999 and the Ph.D. from UC Berkeley in 2003. He currently holds a visiting position at U.C. Berkeley. He was the recipient of the Italian Professorship "Returning Brains" in 2004, of the Eli Jury Award from the EECS Department of UC Berkeley in 2006, and of the EUCA European Control Award in 2014. His research interests include distributed control, estimation and optimization for multi-agent systems, control subject to communication constraints in networked control systems, and control of biomimetic locomotion. He was one of the organizers of the Conference on Robotics, Communication and Coordination (Robocomm) and the Workshop on Estimation and Control of Networked Systems (Necsys). He is member of IEEE and of the IFAC Technical Committee on "Networked Systems", and served as Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions of Automatic Control.