On distributed Generalized Nash Equilibrium seeking via an operator theoretic lens
Lacra Pavel
Speaker's Bio
Lacra Pavel is a professor in the Systems Control group, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto, Canada. She received the Diploma of Engineer in Automatic Control from Technical University of Iasi, Romania, and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Queen's University at Kingston, Canada in 1996. She joined University of Toronto in August 2002, after a postdoctoral stage at the National Research Council and four years of working in the industry. Her research interests are in game theory and distributed optimization in networks, with emphasis on system control aspects. She is the author of the book "Game Theory for Control of Optical Networks" (Birkhauser-Springer Science). She acted as Publications Chair of the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and is currently an Associate Editor for the IEEE CSS Conference Editorial Board and IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems.