
Awardeesort ascending Award Date
Teel 2004 Plenary Speaker, 6th IFAC Nonlinear Control Systems Design Symposium, Stuttgart 2004
Teel 2000 Plenary Speaker, American Control Conference, Chicago 2000
Teel 2003 Plenary Speaker, LSU Conference on Mathematical Control Theory, Baton Rouge 2003
Teel 2008 Plenary Speaker at the 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC'2008) 2008
Smith 1993 National Science Foundation Research Initiation Award 1993
Smith 1992 NASA Certificate of Recognition 1992
Singh 2011 CCDC Best PhD Thesis Award 2011
Seborg 1993 Education Award/, American Automatic Control Council 1993
Seborg 2004 Engineering Student Council Teaching Award/ for the Dept. of Chemical Engineering, UCSB 2004
Seborg 1994 Statistics in Chemistry Award/, American Statistical Association (shared with W.E. Larimore, A. Kemna, C.D. Schaper and D.A. Mellichamp) 1994
Seborg 1990 Meriam-Wiley Distinguished Author Award/, American Society of Engineering Education (shared with T.F. Edgar and D.A. Mellichamp) 1990
Seborg 1992 Tau Beta Pi Teaching Award/ for the Dept. of Chemical and Nuclear Engineering, UCSB 1992
Seborg 1980 Technical Achievement Award/, Southern California Section of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers 1980
Seborg 1973 Best Paper Award at the Joint Automatic Control Conference, Columbus, OH (shared with R.G. Wilson and D.G. Fisher) 1973
Savla 2010 CCDC Best PhD Thesis Award 2010
Sanfelice 2013 SIAM Control and Systems Theory Prize 2013
Sanfelice 2012 Air Force Office of Scientific Research Young Investigator Award (YIP), AFOSR 2012
Sanfelice 2012 Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award, National Science Foundation 2012
Rawlings 2016 National Academy of Engineering 2016
Rawlings 2016 Fellow, International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) 2016
