Paul Atzberger
faculty, Mathematics
Number | Name | Quarter | Instructor |
ME225AV(SMC) | Stochastic Modeling and Control (Special Topics) | 2007a Winter | Astrom |
ChE152A | Process Dynamics and Control I | 2006d Fall | Seborg |
ChE211A,CS211A,ECE210A,Math206A,ME210A | Matrix Analysis and Computation | 2006d Fall | Smith |
ECE141A,ME141A | Introduction to MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS) | 2006d Fall | Macdonald |
ECE147A | Feedback Control Systems: Theory and Design | 2006d Fall | Teel |
ECE230A,ME243A | Linear Systems I | 2006d Fall | Hespanha |