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Manjunath BS, Ma WY.  1999.  NeTra: A toolbox for navigating large image databases. MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMS. 7:184-198.
Bamieh B, Napoli M, Dahleh M.  1999.  Optimal control of arrays of microcantilevers. JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME. 121:686-690.
Bamieh B, Paganini F, Dahleh M.  1999.  Optimal control of distributed arrays with spatial invariance. ROBUSTNESS IN IDENTIFICATION AND CONTROL. 245:329-343.
Petzold L, Zhu WJ.  1999.  Parallel sensitivity analysis for DAEs with many parameters. CONCURRENCY-PRACTICE AND EXPERIENCE. 11:571-585.
Manjunath BS, Deng YN, Kenney C, Moore MS.  1999.  Peer group filtering and perceptual color image quantization. :21-24.
Holliday J, Agrawal D, A Abbadi E.  1999.  The performance of database replication with group multicast. INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON FAULT-TOLERANT COMPUTING. :158-165.
Putinar M, Vasilescu FH.  1999.  Positive polynomials on semi-algebraic sets. COMPTES RENDUS DE L ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES SERIE I-MATHEMATIQUE. 328:585-589.
Juricek BC, SEBORG DE, Larimore WE.  1999.  Reduced-rank ARX and subspace system identification for process control. :247-252.
Smith T, A Abbadi E, Geffner S, Agrawal D.  1999.  Relative prefix sums: An efficient approach for querying dynamic OLAP data cubes. IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering. :328-335.
Betz D, Mezic I, Wiggins S.  1999.  Residence-time distributions for chaotic flows in pipes. CHAOS. 9:173-182.
Manjunath BS, Haley GM.  1999.  Rotation-invariant texture classification using a complete space-frequency model. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING. 8:255-269.
Morse AS, Hespanha JP.  1999.  Scale-independent hysteresis switching. HYBRID SYSTEMS: COMPUTATION AND CONTROL. 1569:117-122.
Aeyels D, Peuteman J, Teel AR.  1999.  Semi-global practical asymptotic stability and averaging. SYSTEMS & CONTROL LETTERS. 37:329-334.
Salapaka MV, Khammash M, Dahleh M.  1999.  Solution of MIMO H(2)/l(l) problem without zero interpolation. SIAM JOURNAL ON CONTROL AND OPTIMIZATION. 37:1865-1873.
Putinar M, Vasilescu FH.  1999.  Solving moment problems by dimensional extension. ANNALS OF MATHEMATICS. 149:1087-1107.
Putinar M, Vasilescu FH.  1999.  Solving moment problems by dimensional extension. COMPTES RENDUS DE L ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES SERIE I-MATHEMATIQUE. 328:495-499.
Liberzon D, Morse AS, Hespanha JP.  1999.  Stability of switched systems: a Lie-algebraic condition. SYSTEMS & CONTROL LETTERS. 37:117-122.
Morse AS, Hespanha JP.  1999.  Stabilization of nonholonomic integrators via logic-based switching. AUTOMATICA. 35:385-393.
SIMONS S, Bauschke HH.  1999.  Stronger maximal monotonicity properties of linear operators. BULLETIN OF THE AUSTRALIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY. 60:163-174.
BIRNIR B, Batista AA, Sherwin MS.  1999.  Subharmonic generation in a driven asymmetric quantum well. PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE). 3617:159-163.
Kokotovic PV, Nesic D, Teel AR.  1999.  Sufficient conditions for stabilization of sampled-data nonlinear systems via discrete-time approximations. SYSTEMS & CONTROL LETTERS. 38:259-270.
Dodds Z, Morse AS, Hager GD, Hespanha JP.  1999.  Task specification and monitoring for uncalibrated hand/eye coordination. :1607-1613.
Manjunath BS, Chae JJ.  1999.  A technique for image data hiding and reconstruction without host image. PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE). 3657:386-396.
Dodds Z, Morse AS, Hager GD, Hespanha JP.  1999.  What tasks can be performed with an uncalibrated stereo vision system? INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER VISION. 35:65-85.
Kokotovic P, Arcak M.  2000.  Activation of nonlinear feedback concepts. Springer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science. 518:379-389.
