
Found 2855 results
Author Title [ Type(Desc)] Year
Journal Article
Doyle, III FJ, Herzog ED, Thoroughman KA, Taylor SR, Webb AB.  2012.  Weakly Circadian Cells Improve Resynchrony. PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY. 8
Danzl P, Moehlis J.  2010.  Weakly coupled parametrically forced oscillator networks: existence, stability, and symmetry of solutions. NONLINEAR DYNAMICS. 59:661-680.
Dodds Z, Morse AS, Hager GD, Hespanha JP.  1999.  What tasks can be performed with an uncalibrated stereo vision system? INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER VISION. 35:65-85.
Madhow U.  2008.  Wireless communication. FUNDAMENTALS OF DIGITAL COMMUNICATION. :379-473.
Or Y, Teel AR.  2011.  Zeno Stability of the Set-Valued Bouncing Ball. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 56:447-452.
