
Found 172 results
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CHEN D, SEBORG DE.  2002.  Robust Nyquist array analysis based on uncertainty descriptions from system identification. AUTOMATICA. 38:467-475.
Kellett CM, Shim HB, Teel AR.  2002.  Robustness of discontinuous feedback via sample and hold control. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 1-6:3512-3517.
Chon HD, A Abbadi E, Agrawal D.  2003.  Range and kNN query processing for moving objects in grid model. MOBILE NETWORKS & APPLICATIONS. 8:401-412.
Manjunath BS, Bhagavathy S, Tesic J.  2003.  On the Rayleigh nature of gabor filter outputs. :745-748.
Doyle FJ, Wang Y, Immanuel CD.  2003.  Reachability of particle size distribution in emulsion batch polymerization under mid-course correction policies. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN CONTROL CONFERENCE. :2491-2496.
Gustafsson B, Putinar M, Shapiro HS.  2003.  Restriction operators, balayage and doubly orthogonal systems of analytic functions. JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS. 199:332-378.
Feng Y, A Abbadi E, Agrawal D, Metwally A.  2004.  Range CUBE: Efficient cube computation by exploiting data correlation. IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering. :658-669.
Doyle FJ, Wang Y.  2004.  Reachability of particle size distribution in semibatch emulsion polymerization. AICHE JOURNAL. 50:3049-3059.
Kokotovic PV.  2004.  Recent advances in nonlinear control. :721-721.
Doyle FJ, Park MJ, Dokucu MT.  2004.  Regulation of the emulsion particle size distribution to an optimal trajectory using partial least squares model-based predictive control. INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH. 43:7227-7237.
Manjunath BS, Madhow U, Solanki K, Jacobsen N, Chandrasekaran S.  2004.  Robust image-adaptive data hiding using erasure and error correction. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING. 13:1627-1639.
Zaccarian L, Grimm G, Teel AR.  2004.  Robust linear anti-windup synthesis for recovery of unconstrained performance. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBUST AND NONLINEAR CONTROL. 14:1133-1168.
Skjetne R, Kokotovic PV, Fossen TI.  2004.  Robust output maneuvering for a class of nonlinear systems. AUTOMATICA. 40:373-383.
Tuna SE, Messina MJ, Teel AR.  2004.  Robust stabilization of discrete-time nonlinear systems by certainty equivalence output feedback with applications to model predictive control. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :2202-2207.
Doyle FJ, Gilles ED, Stelling J.  2004.  Robustness properties of circadian clock architectures. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 101:13210-13215.
Manjunath BS, Kimber D, Sun XD, Foote J.  2005.  Region of interest extraction and virtual camera control based on panoramic video capturing. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA. 7:981-990.
Zaccarian L, Hu T, Teel AR.  2005.  Regional anti-windup compensation for linear systems with input saturation. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :3397-3402.
Teel AR, S. Tuna E.  2005.  Regulating discrete-time homogeneous systems under arbitrary switching. IEEE CONFERENCE ON DECISION AND CONTROL - PROCEEDINGS. :2586-2591.
Sanfelice RG, Teel AR, Goebel R.  2005.  Results on convergence in hybrid systems via detectability and an invariance principle. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN CONTROL CONFERENCE. :551-556.
Teel AR, Cai C.  2005.  Results on input-to-state stability for hybrid systems. IEEE CONFERENCE ON DECISION AND CONTROL - PROCEEDINGS. :5403-5408.
Khammash A, Oropeza-Ramos L, Turner KL.  2005.  Robust feedback control design of an ultra-sensitive, high bandwidth tunneling accelerometer. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :4176-4180.
Kellett CM, Teel AR.  2005.  On the robustness of KL-stability for difference inclusions: Smooth discrete-time Lyapunov functions. SIAM JOURNAL ON CONTROL AND OPTIMIZATION. 44:777-800.
Munsky B, Khammash M.  2006.  A reduced model solution for the chemical master equation arising in stochastic analyses of biological networks. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :27-+.
Massimetti M, Zaccarian L, Galeani S, Teel AR.  2006.  Reduced order linear anti-windup augmentation for stable linear systems. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS SCIENCE. 37:115-127.
Munsky B, Khammash M, Peles S.  2006.  Reduction and solution of the chemical master equation using time scale separation and finite state projection. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 125
