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Bullo F, Dorfler F, Simpson-Porco JW.  2017.  Voltage Stabilization in Microgrids via Quadratic Droop Control. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 62:1239-1253.
Doyle, III FJ, Herzog ED, Welsh DK, Petzold LR, Harang R, Meeker K, Bonnet G, Webb AB.  2011.  Wavelet Measurement Suggests Cause of Period Instability in Mammalian Circadian Neurons. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL RHYTHMS. 26:353-362.
Mezic I, Balasuriya S, Jones CKRT.  2003.  Weak finite-time Melnikov theory and 3D viscous perturbations of Euler flows. PHYSICA D-NONLINEAR PHENOMENA. 176:82-106.
Maahs D.M, Patek S., Mauritzen E., Howsmon D., Buckingham B.A, Huyett L., Dassau E., Forlenza G., Wadwa R.P, Ly T.T et al..  2016.  WEAK POINTS IN CLOSED-LOOP TECHNOLOGY: FAULT DETECTION AND MITIGATION. 18:A10-A11.
Maahs D.M, Patek S., Mauritzen E., Howsmon D., Buckingham B.A, Huyett L., Dassau E., Forlenza G., Wadwa R.P, Ly T.T et al..  2016.  WEAK POINTS IN CLOSED-LOOP TECHNOLOGY: FAULT DETECTION AND MITIGATION. 18:A10-A11.
Bency AJohn, Karthikeyan S., Lee H, Kwon H, Manjunath B.S.  2016.  Weakly Supervised Localization Using Deep Feature Maps. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 9905:714-731.
Petzold L, Bhattacharjee K.  2016.  What Drives Consumer Choices? Mining Aspects and Opinions on Large Scale Review Data using Distributed Representation of Words International Conference on Data Mining Workshops. :908-915.
Kumar A., Peiffer B., T. Bidigare P, Madhow U, Mudumbai R., D. Brown, III R, Dasgupta S..  2015.  Wideband Distributed Transmit Beamforming using Channel Reciprocity and Relative Calibration. :271-275.
Kumar A., Peiffer B., T. Bidigare P, Madhow U, Mudumbai R., D. Brown, III R, Dasgupta S..  2015.  Wideband Distributed Transmit Beamforming using Channel Reciprocity and Relative Calibration. :271-275.
Madhow U, Barriac G, Jacobsen N.  2004.  Wideband space-time communication: From propagation-based models to information-theoretic design prescriptions. :6-10.
Madhow U, Barriac G.  2003.  Wideband space-time communication with implicit channel feedback. :225-228.
Smith T, Mezic I, Banasuk A, Hagen G, Coifman RR.  2007.  y Validation of low-dimensional models using Diffusion maps and harmonic averaging. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :4984-+.
