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Agrawal D, Li H-G, Abbadi AEl, Yu H.  2007.  Progressive ranking of range aggregates. DATA & KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING. 63:4-25.
Manjunath BS, Mitra SK, Strobel N.  1997.  Progressive-resolution transmission and lossless compression of color images for digital image libraries. :435-438.
Susuki Y, Mezic I.  2015.  A Prony Approximation of Koopman Mode Decomposition. :7022-7027.
Madhow U., Chandrasekaran S., Sullivan K., Manjunath B.S, Solanki K..  2006.  Provably secure steganography: Achieving zero K-L divergence using statistical restoration. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP. :125-+.
PADEN B, Ghosh J.  2000.  Pseudo-inverse based iterative learning control for plants with unmodelled dynamics.. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN CONTROL CONFERENCE. :472-476.
PADEN B, Ghosh J.  2002.  A pseudoinverse-based iterative learning control. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 47:831-837.
Doyle FJ, Castro JJ.  2004.  A pulp mill benchmark problem for control: application of plantwide control design. JOURNAL OF PROCESS CONTROL. 14:329-347.
Doyle FJ, Castro JJ.  2004.  A pulp mill benchmark problem for control: problem description. JOURNAL OF PROCESS CONTROL. 14:17-29.
Bullo F, Hespanha JP, Bopardikar SD.  2008.  A pursuit game with range-only measurements. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :4233-4238.
Teel AR, Nesic D.  2010.  PWM hybrid control systems: averaging tools for analysis and design. IEEE International Conference on Control Applications. :1128-1133.
Shao ZW, Madhow U.  2002.  A QoS framework for heavy-tailed traffic over the wireless Internet. :1201-1205.
Madhow U, Bruvold K, Mudumbai R.  2005.  A QoS framework for stabilized collision channels with multiuser detection. IEEE International Conference on Communications. :250-254.
Hespanha JP, Safaei FRPour, Roh K, Proulx SR.  2014.  Quadratic control of stochastic hybrid systems with renewal transitions. AUTOMATICA. 50:2822-2834.
Hespanha JP, Stewart G, Safaei FRPour.  2010.  Quadratic Optimization for Controller Initialization in Multivariable Switching Systems. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :2511-2516.
Simons S.  2011.  Quadrivariate existence theorems and strong representability. OPTIMIZATION. 60:875-891.
Hespanha JP, Isaacs JT, Carrillo LRGarcia, Quitin F, Madhow U.  2014.  Quadrotor Control for RF Source Localization and Tracking. International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems. :244-252.
Mahadevan L., O'Connell D, Hasso S, Ingber DE, Maas R, Mammoto T, Weitz DA, Bischof AG, Campas O, Sperling RA.  2014.  Quantifying cell-generated mechanical forces within living embryonic tissues. NATURE METHODS. 11:183-+.
St John PC, Doyle, III FJ.  2015.  Quantifying Stochastic Noise in Cultured Circadian Reporter Cells. PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY. 11
Saglam COguz, Byl K.  2014.  Quantifying the Trade-Offs Between Stability versus Energy Use for Underactuated Biped Walking. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. :2550-2557.
Byun J, Sumengen B, Vu N, Manjunath B.S.  2006.  Quantitative analysis of immunofluorescent retinal images. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging. :1268-+.
Giffard RG, Khammash M, Sheppard PW, Sun X, Emery JF.  2011.  Quantitative characterization and analysis of the dynamic NF-kappa B response in microglia. BMC BIOINFORMATICS. 12
Boucheron LE, Harvey NR, Manjunath B.S.  2007.  A quantitative object-level metric for segmentation performance and its application to cell nuclei. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 4841:208-+.
Stelling J, Doyle, III FJ, Bagheri N.  2007.  Quantitative performance metrics for robustness in circadian rhythms. BIOINFORMATICS. 23:358-364.
Hussain S, Doyle, III FJ, Rodriguez-Fernandez M, Ruoslahti E, Braun GB.  2014.  Quantity and accessibility for specific targeting of receptors in tumours. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 4
