
Found 2855 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Whitesides GM, Stroock AD, Ajdari A, Mezic I, Stone HA, Dertinger SKW.  2002.  Chaotic mixer for microchannels. SCIENCE. 295:647-651.
Madhow U, Barriac G.  2002.  Characterizing outage capacity for space-time communication over wideband wireless channels. CONFERENCE RECORD OF THE ASILOMAR CONFERENCE ON SIGNALS, SYSTEMS AND COMPUTERS. :1513-1517.
SEBORG DE, Singhal A.  2002.  Clustering of multivariate time-series data. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 1-6:3931-3936.
Manjunath BS, Kim D, Ho YS.  2002.  Color image segmentation using anisotropic diffusion and agglomerative hierarchical clustering. ADVANCES IN MULTIMEDIA INFORMATION PROCESSING - PCM 2002, PROCEEDING. 2532:759-766.
Zaccarian L, Teel AR.  2002.  A common framework for anti-windup, bumpless transfer and reliable designs. AUTOMATICA. 38:1735-1744.
Bernhardsson BM, Astrom KJ.  2002.  Comparison of Riemann and Lebesgue sampling for first order stochastic systems. IEEE CONFERENCE ON DECISION AND CONTROL - PROCEEDINGS. :2011-2016.
Hespanha JP.  2002.  Computation of root-mean-square gains of switched linear systems. HYBRID SYSTEMS: COMPUTATION AND CONTROL. 2289:239-252.
Mezic I, Vainchtein D.  2002.  Control of a vortex pair using a weak external flow. JOURNAL OF TURBULENCE. 3
Mezic I, Vaidya U.  2002.  Controllability of twist maps. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 1-6:4648-4653.
Doyle FJ, Mahadevan R, Allcock AC.  2002.  Control-relevant scheduling of polymer grade transitions. AICHE JOURNAL. 48:1754-1764.
Manjunath BS, Foote J, Sun XD, Kimber D.  2002.  Detecting path intersections in panoramic video. :A529-A532.
Putinar M.  2002.  On a diagonal Pade approximation in two complex variables. NUMERISCHE MATHEMATIK. 93:131-152.
Holliday J, Agrawal D, A Abbadi E.  2002.  Disconnection modes for mobile databases. WIRELESS NETWORKS. 8:391-402.
Bamieh B, Paganini F, Dahleh MA.  2002.  Distributed control of spatially invariant systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 47:1091-1107.
Rathinam M, Petzold LR.  2002.  Dynamic iteration using reduced order models: a method for simulation of large scale modular systems. SIAM JOURNAL ON NUMERICAL ANALYSIS. 40:1446-1474.
Serban R, Petzold LR.  2002.  Efficient computation of sensitivities for ordinary differential equation boundary value problems. SIAM JOURNAL ON NUMERICAL ANALYSIS. 40:220-232.
Mao GY, Petzold LR.  2002.  Efficient integration over discontinuities for differential-algebraic systems. COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS. 43:65-79.
Mezic I, Sotiropoulos F.  2002.  Ergodic theory and experimental visualization of invariant sets in chaotically advected flows. PHYSICS OF FLUIDS. 14:2235-2243.
SIMONS S.  2002.  Excesses, duality gaps and weak compactness. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY. 130:2941-2946.
A Abbadi E, Sun CY, Agrawal D.  2002.  Exploring spatial datasets with histograms. IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering. :93-102.
Shim H, Teel AR.  2002.  Further results on the nonlinear separation principle: The general 'asymptotically controllable' case. IFAC SYMPOSIA SERIES. :1457-1462.
Marsden JE, Serban R, Koon WS, Ross SD, Wilson RS, Lo MW, Petzold LR.  2002.  Halo orbit mission correction maneuvers using optimal control. AUTOMATICA. 38:571-583.
Chandrasekaran S, Madhow U, Manjunath BS, Solanki K, Jacobsen N.  2002.  High-volume data hiding in images: Introducing perceptual criteria into quantization based embedding. International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). :3485-3488.
Bamieh B, Giarre L.  2002.  Identification of linear parameter varying models. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBUST AND NONLINEAR CONTROL. 12:841-853.
Juricek BC, Larimore WE, SEBORG DE.  2002.  Identification of multivariable, linear, dynamic models: Comparing regression and subspace techniques. INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH. 41:2185-2203.
