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Juricek BC, Larimore WE, SEBORG DE.  1998.  Early detection of alarm situations using model predictions. :269-274.
Manjunath BS, Ma WY.  1997.  Edge flow: A framework of boundary detection and image segmentation. PROCEEDINGS / CVPR, IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER VISION AND PATTERN RECOGNITION. :744-749.
Bertelli L, Manjunath B.S.  2007.  Edge preserving filters using geodesic distances on weighted orthogonal domains. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP. :321-324.
Manjunath BS, Ma WY.  2000.  EdgeFlow: A technique for boundary detection and image segmentation. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING. 9:1375-1388.
Hespanha JP, Barooah P, Swami A.  2007.  On the effect of asymmetric communication on distributed time synchronization. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :3884-+.
Griffin DW, Doherty MF, Mellichamp DA.  2009.  Effect of Competing Reversible Reactions on Optimal Operating Policies for Plants with Recycle. INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH. 48:8037-8047.
SEBORG DE, Singhal A.  2005.  Effect of data compression on pattern matching in historical data. INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH. 44:3203-3212.
Lampoudi S, Gillespie DT, Petzold LR.  2009.  Effect of excluded volume on 2D discrete stochastic chemical kinetics. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS. 228:3656-3668.
Doyle, III FJ, Zisser H, Seborg DE, Palerm CC, Jovanovic L, Bevier WC, Finan DA.  2009.  Effect of Input Excitation on the Quality of Empirical Dynamic Models for Type 1 Diabetes. AICHE JOURNAL. 55:1135-1146.
Petzold LR, Homescu C, Serban R.  2007.  The effect of problem perturbations on nonlinear dynamical systems and their reduced-order models. SIAM JOURNAL ON SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING. 29:2621-2643.
Lampoudi S, Gillespie DT, Petzold LR.  2007.  Effect of reactant size on discrete stochastic chemical kinetics. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 126
Mitra P, Bamieh B, Jovanovic M, Patterson S.  2008.  Effect of Topological Dimension on Rigidity of Vehicle Formations: Fundamental Limitations of Local Feedback. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :369-374.
Barooah P, Lou M, Jonckheere EA, Hespanha J.  2007.  Effective resistance of Gromov-hyperbolic graphs: Application to asymptotic sensor network problems. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :5336-+.
Hespanha JP, Obraczka K, Bohacek S, Lim C.  2008.  On the effectiveness of proactive path-diversity based routing for robustness to path failures. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 4982:574-+.
Morse DE, Doyle, III FJ, Sweeney AM, Ananthasubramaniam B, Boch CA.  2011.  Effects of Light Dynamics on Coral Spawning Synchrony. BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN. 220:161-173.
Li L, Turner K.  2015.  Effects of Stability Asymmetry in Parametrically Actuated MEMS Sensors on Phase Flip Probability. IEEE Sensors. :595-598.
Chandrasekaran S, Sayed AH, Gu M, Golub GH.  1999.  An efficient algorithm for a bounded errors-in-variables model. SIAM JOURNAL ON MATRIX ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS. 20:839-859.
Chandrasekaran S, Sayed AH, Gu M, Golub GH.  1997.  Efficient algorithms for least squares type problems with bounded uncertainties. SIAM PROCEEDINGS SERIES. :171-180.
Roufarshbaf H., Madhow U., Rodwell M., Rajagopal S..  2015.  Efficient analog multiband channelization for bandwidth scaling in mm-wave systems. IEEE International Conference on Communications. :1316-1321.
Gonzalez J, Chapman J, Oliker L, Buluc A, Jegelka S, Rokhsar D, Strnadova V, Gilbert JR.  2014.  Efficient and Accurate Clustering for Large-Scale Genetic Mapping. IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine-BIBM.
Singh V, Sarkar A, Ghosh P, Singh A, Manjunath BS.  2010.  Efficient and Robust Detection of Duplicate Videos in a Large Database. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY. 20:870-885.
Chandrasekaran S.  2000.  An efficient and stable algorithm for the symmetric-definite generalized eigenvalue problem. SIAM JOURNAL ON MATRIX ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS. 21:1202-1228.
Manjunath BS, Deng YN, Shin H, Kenney C, Moore MS.  2001.  An efficient color representation for image retrieval. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING. 10:140-147.
Metwally A, Agrawal D, A Abbadi E.  2005.  Efficient computation of frequent and top-k elements in data streams. DATABASE THEORY - ICDT 2005, PROCEEDINGS. 3363:398-412.
