
Found 2855 results
Author Title [ Type(Desc)] Year
Conference Paper
Hespanha JP, Jiang S.  2009.  Multi-Controller Design under Uncontrolled and Controlled Switching. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN CONTROL CONFERENCE. :1760-1765.
Sumengen B, Manjunath B.S, Fedorov D.  2006.  Multi-focus imaging using local focus estimation and mosaicking. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP. :2093-+.
Madhow U, Ponnuru S, Singh J.  2009.  Multi-Gigabit Communication: the ADC Bottleneck. :22-27.
Madhow U.  2008.  MultiGigabit Millimeter Wave Communication: System Concepts and Challenges. :229-232.
CHEN D, SEBORG DE.  2001.  Multiloop PI/PID controller design based on Gershgorin bands. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN CONTROL CONFERENCE. :4122-4127.
Isaacs JT, Venkateswaran S, Madhow U, Hespanha J, Burman J, Pham T.  2012.  Multiple Event Localization in a Sparse Acoustic Sensor Network Using UAVs as Data Mules. IEEE Globecom Workshops. :1562-1567.
A Abbadi E, O'Gorman K, Agrawal D.  2002.  Multiple query optimization by cache-aware middleware using query teamwork. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DATA ENGINEERING (SERIES). :274-274.
Jagadeesh V, Manjunath B.S, Vu N.  2011.  Multiple Structure Tracing in 3D Electron Micrographs. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 6891:613-+.
Manjunath B.S, Sunderrajan S.  2013.  Multiple View Discriminative Appearance Modeling with IMCMC for Distributed Tracking.
Manjunath BS, Kenney CS, Zuliani M.  2005.  The multiRANSAC algorithm and its application to detect planar homographies. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). :2969-2972.
Northen MT, Turner KL.  2005.  Multi-scale compliant structures for use as a chip-scale dry adhesive. :2044-2047.
Mathew G, Mezic I, Petzold L.  2003.  A multiscale measure for mixing and its applications. :2314-2321.
Doyle, III FJ, Daigle, Jr. BJ, Petzold LR, Thakur GS.  2014.  A Multivariate Ensemble Approach for Identification of Biomarkers: Application to Breast Cancer. 47:809-814.
Turner KL, Ward SC, Requa MV, Enriquez-Rios VE, Bradley KA, Christman KL, Maynard HD.  2006.  Nanopatterned polymer films for bioconjugation. 231
Chon HD, A Abbadi E, Agrawal D.  2002.  NAPA : Nearest available parking lot application. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DATA ENGINEERING (SERIES). :496-497.
Prandini M, Hespanha JP.  2001.  Nash equilibria in partial-information games on Markov chains. IEEE CONFERENCE ON DECISION AND CONTROL - PROCEEDINGS. :2102-2107.
Manjunath BS, Tesic J.  2003.  Nearest neighbor search for relevance feedback. PROCEEDINGS - IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER VISION AND PATTERN RECOGNITION. :643-648.
Teel AR, Nesic D, Zaccarian L.  2008.  On necessary and sufficient conditions for exponential and L-2 stability of planar reset systems. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :4140-+.
Teel AR, Sanfelice RG.  2008.  A nested Matrosov theorem for hybrid systems. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :2915-+.
Manjunath BS, Ma WY.  1997.  NeTra: A toolbox for navigating large image databases. :568-571.
Manjunath BS, Deng YN, Mukherjee D.  1997.  NeTra-V: Towards an object-based video representation. PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE). 3312:202-213.
Bullo F, Notarstefano G.  2009.  Network Abstract Linear Programming with Application to Cooperative Target Localization. Understanding Complex Systems Springer Complexity. :177-+.
Bullo F, Notarstefano G.  2007.  Network abstract linear programming with application to minimum-time formation control. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :4245-+.
Patterson S, Bamieh B.  2011.  Network Coherence in Fractal Graphs. :6445-6450.
Wittie MP, Patterson S, Bamieh B, Almeroth K.  2012.  Network Optimization with Dynamic Demands and Link Prices. Annual Allerton Conference on Communication Control and Computing. :120-127.
