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Mezic I, Vainchtein D.  2002.  Control of a vortex pair using a weak external flow. JOURNAL OF TURBULENCE. 3
Mezic I, Vaidya U.  2002.  Controllability of twist maps. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 1-6:4648-4653.
Doyle FJ, Mahadevan R, Allcock AC.  2002.  Control-relevant scheduling of polymer grade transitions. AICHE JOURNAL. 48:1754-1764.
Bamieh B, Ranaweera A.  2003.  Calibration of the characteristic frequency of an optical tweezer using an adaptive normalized gradient approach. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN CONTROL CONFERENCE. :3738-3743.
Zaccarian L, Grimm G, Turner MC, Postlethwaite I, Teel AR.  2003.  Case studies using linear matrix inequalities for optimal anti-windup synthesis. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CONTROL. 9:463-473.
Baskaran R, Zhang WH, Turner KL.  2003.  Changing the behavior of parametric resonance in mems oscillators by tuning the effective cubic stiffness. PROCEEDINGS: IEEE MICRO ELECTRO MECHANICAL SYSTEMS WORKSHOP. :173-176.
Arcak M, Kokotovic P, Larsen M.  2003.  Circle and Popov criteria as tools for nonlinear feedback design. AUTOMATICA. 39:643-650.
Mezic I, Chang DE, Loire S.  2003.  Closed-form solutions in the electrical field analysis for dielectrophoretic and travelling wave inter-digitated electrode arrays. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS. 36:3073-3078.
Bamieh B.  2003.  On computing the L-2-induced norm of finite-horizon systems. :1860-1862.
Manjunath BS, Van Nevel A, Hewer GA, Kenney CS, Zuliani M.  2003.  A condition number for point matching with application to registration and postregistration error estimation. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE. 25:1437-1454.
Mezic I, Vaidya U, D'Alessandro D.  2003.  Control of Heisenberg spin systems; Lie algebraic decompositions and action-angle variables. :4174-4178.
Mezic I, Vainchtein D.  2003.  Control of vortex elements: Flat coordinates vs. adiabatic control. IFAC WORKSHOP SERIES. :217-222.
Mezic I, Vaidya U.  2003.  Controllability for a class of discrete-time Hamiltonian systems. :1351-1356.
Mezic I.  2003.  Controllability, integrability and ergodicity. MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH IN CONTROL. 289:213-229.
Mezic I.  2003.  Controllability of Hamiltonian systems with drift: Action-angle variables and ergodic partition. :2585-2592.
Jankovic M, Kokotovic PV, Larsen M.  2003.  Coordinated passivation designs. AUTOMATICA. 39:335-341.
Doyle FJ, Hernjak N.  2003.  Correlation of process nonlinearity with closed-loop disturbance rejection. INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH. 42:4611-4619.
Madhow U, Bruvold K.  2003.  Cross-layer optimization of the reservation channel in a pseudocellular network: Mobile-centric fast handoffs via multiuser detection. CONFERENCE RECORD OF THE ASILOMAR CONFERENCE ON SIGNALS, SYSTEMS AND COMPUTERS. :1733-1737.
Doyle FJ, Crowley TJ, Varner JD, Gadkar KG.  2003.  Cybernetic model predictive control of a continuous bioreactor with cell recycle. BIOTECHNOLOGY PROGRESS. 19:1487-1497.
Bamieh B, Ranaweera A.  2004.  Calibration of the characteristic frequency of an optical tweezer using a recursive least-squares approach. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN CONTROL CONFERENCE. :1836-1841.
Bamieh B, Turner K, Napoli M.  2004.  A capacitive microcantilever: Modelling, validation, and estimation using current measurements. JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME. 126:319-326.
Mezic I, Vainchtein D.  2004.  Capture into resonance: A method for efficient control. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 93
Campi MC, Hespanha JP, Prandini M.  2004.  Cautious hierarchical switching control of stochastic linear systems. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADAPTIVE CONTROL AND SIGNAL PROCESSING. 18:319-333.
Manjunath BS, Lewis GP, Byun J, Wang L, Fisher SK.  2004.  Challenges in bio-molecular imaging and information discovery: Developing a searchable, distributed retinal image database. 45:U48-U48.
Madhow U, Barriac G.  2004.  Characterizing outage rates for space-time communication over wideband channels. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS. 52:2198-2208.
