
Found 2855 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Kokotovic PV.  2004.  Recent advances in nonlinear control. :721-721.
Doyle FJ, Park MJ, Dokucu MT.  2004.  Regulation of the emulsion particle size distribution to an optimal trajectory using partial least squares model-based predictive control. INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH. 43:7227-7237.
Manjunath BS, Madhow U, Solanki K, Jacobsen N, Chandrasekaran S.  2004.  Robust image-adaptive data hiding using erasure and error correction. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING. 13:1627-1639.
Zaccarian L, Grimm G, Teel AR.  2004.  Robust linear anti-windup synthesis for recovery of unconstrained performance. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBUST AND NONLINEAR CONTROL. 14:1133-1168.
Skjetne R, Kokotovic PV, Fossen TI.  2004.  Robust output maneuvering for a class of nonlinear systems. AUTOMATICA. 40:373-383.
Tuna SE, Messina MJ, Teel AR.  2004.  Robust stabilization of discrete-time nonlinear systems by certainty equivalence output feedback with applications to model predictive control. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :2202-2207.
Doyle FJ, Gilles ED, Stelling J.  2004.  Robustness properties of circadian clock architectures. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 101:13210-13215.
Kokotovic PV, Dacic DB.  2004.  A scaled feedback stabilization of power integrator triangular systems. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN CONTROL CONFERENCE. :1043-1048.
Doyle FJ, Immanuel CD.  2004.  A sensitivity approach to reachability analysis for particle size distribution in semibatch emulsion polymerization. INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH. 43:327-339.
Ajayan PM, Turner K, Baskaran R, Ramanath G, Cao AY.  2004.  Silicon oxide thickness-dependent growth of carbon nanotubes. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. 84:109-111.
Kellett CM, Teel AR.  2004.  Smooth Lyapunov functions and robustness of stability for difference inclusions. SYSTEMS & CONTROL LETTERS. 52:395-405.
Petzold L, Meinhart CD, Mezic I, Zhang YT, Chen H, MacDonald NC.  2004.  SOI processing of a ring electrokinetic chaotic micromixer. :292-295.
Madhow U, Barriac G.  2004.  Space-time communication for OFDM with implicit channel feedback. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY. 50:3111-3129.
Madhow U, Barriac G.  2004.  Space-time precoding with mean and covariance feedback: Implications for wideband systems. :284-284.
, Shah V.  2004.  Sparse matrices in MATLAB*P: Design and implementation. HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING - HIPC 2004. 3296:144-155.
Madhow U, Mudumbai R, Barriac G.  2004.  Spread-spectrum techniques for distributed space-time communication in sensor networks. CONFERENCE RECORD OF THE ASILOMAR CONFERENCE ON SIGNALS, SYSTEMS AND COMPUTERS. :908-912.
Hu TS, Teel AR, Lin ZL, Goebel R.  2004.  Stability regions for saturated linear systems via conjugate Lyapnov functions. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :5499-5504.
Aguiar AP, Hespanha JP.  2004.  State estimation for continuous-time systems with perspective outputs from discrete noisy time-delayed measurements. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :3126-3131.
Chandrasekaran S, Madhow U, Manjunath BS, Sullivan K, Bi Z.  2004.  Steganalysis of quantization index modulation data hiding. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). :1165-1168.
Hespanha JP.  2004.  Stochastic Hybrid Systems: Application to communication networks. HYBRID SYSTEMS: COMPUTATION AND CONTROL, PROCEEDINGS. 2993:387-401.
H Samad E, Khammash M.  2004.  Stochastic stability and its application to the analysis of gene regulatory networks. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :3001-3006.
Voulgaris PG, Salapaka MV, Khammash M, Qi X.  2004.  Structured optimal and robust control with multiple criteria: A convex solution. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 49:1623-1640.
Aguiar AP, Hespanha JP.  2004.  Supervisory control of uncertain underactuated vehicles. :3-6.
Doyle FJ.  2004.  A system biology approach to robustness analysis of cireadian rhythm. :185-185.
El-Samad H, Khammash M.  2004.  Systems biology: From physiology to gene regulation. IEEE CONTROL SYSTEMS MAGAZINE. 24:62-76.
