
Awardee Awardsort descending Date
Khammash 2006 Semi-Plenary Lecturer, MTNS, Kobe, Japan 2006
Gibou 2006 Sloan Research Fellowship in Mathematics 2006
Paden 2007 AIMBE Fellow for outstanding contributions towards the development of magnetically levitated rotary blood pumps for adult and pediatric heart failure patients 2007
Khammash 2007 ECE Distinguished Lecturer, Michigan State University 2007
Khammash 2007 IEEE Fellow for contributions to robust control and its applications 2007
Teel 2007 Plenary Speaker, 26th Chinese Control Conference, Zhangjiajie Hunan 2007
Hespanha 2007-2011 IEEE Distinguished Lecturer 2007
Petzold 2008 Fellow of the ASME 2008
Bullo 2008 IEEE Control Systems Magazine Outstanding Paper Award 2008
Doyle 2008 IEEE Fellow for contributions to nonlinear process control and analysis for biological systems 2008
Bamieh 2008 IEEE Fellow for contributions to robust, sampled-data and distributed control 2008
Hespanha 2008 IEEE Fellow for contributions to stability techniques for switched and hybrid systems 2008
Doyle 2008 Plenary Speaker at the 2008 IFAC World Congress 2008
Teel 2008 Plenary Speaker at the 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC'2008) 2008
Campas 2008 University of Barcelona Special award for an Exceptional Ph.D. thesis. 2008
Petzold 2009 Fellow of the SIAM 2009
Mostofi 2009 National Science Foundation CAREER Award 2009
Hespanha 2009 Ruberti Young Researcher Prize for fundamental contributions to adaptive control and to the theory of switched and hybrid systems 2009
Hespanha 2009 Semi-plenary Speaker, Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), Guilin. 2009
Kokotovic 2009 Sigma Xi Monie A. Ferst Award 2009
