Applied Koopman operator theory for power systems technology. IEICE NONLINEAR THEORY AND ITS APPLICATIONS. 7:430-459.
2016. Approximate optimal adaptive control for weakly coupled nonlinear systems: A neuro-inspired approach. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADAPTIVE CONTROL AND SIGNAL PROCESSING. 30:1494-1522.
2016. Approximation and Control of the SLIP Model Dynamics via Partial Feedback Linearization and Two-Element Leg Actuation Strategy. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ROBOTICS. 32:399-412.
2016. Asymptotically Stable Adaptive-Optimal Control Algorithm With Saturating Actuators and Relaxed Persistence of Excitation. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS AND LEARNING SYSTEMS. 27:2386-2398.
2016. Breaking the Hierarchy: Distributed Control and Economic Optimality in Microgrids. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL OF NETWORK SYSTEMS. 3:241-253.
2016. CAPACITY MAXIMIZATION FOR DISTRIBUTED BROADBAND BEAMFORMING. International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP. :3441-3445.
2016. CellECT: cell evolution capturing tool. BMC BIOINFORMATICS. 17
2016. On Comparison of Dynamics of Dissipative and Finite-Time Systems Using Koopman Operator Methods. 49:454-461.
2016. Compressive Channel Estimation and Tracking for Large Arrays in mm-Wave Picocells. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN SIGNAL PROCESSING. 10:514-527.
2016. Conditioning Moments of Singular Measures for Entropy Maximization II: Numerical Examples. Contemporary Mathematics. 661:283-297.
2016. Conditions for Saddle-Point Equilibria in Output-Feedback MPC with MHE. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :13-19.
2016. Context-Aware Hypergraph Modeling for Re-identification and Summarization. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA. 18:51-63.
2016. Correspondence between Koopman mode decomposition, resolvent mode decomposition, and invariant solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations. PHYSICAL REVIEW FLUIDS. 1
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2016. Deep Eye-CU (DECU): Summarization of Patient Motion in the ICU. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 9914:178-194.
2016. "Densities" and Maximal Monotonicity. JOURNAL OF CONVEX ANALYSIS. 23:1017-1050.
2016. Distributed Monitoring of Voltage Collapse Sensitivity Indices. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SMART GRID. 7:1979-1988.
2016. Distributed Robust Stochastic Learning in Asynchronous Networks of Sampled-Data Systems. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :401-406.
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2016. Dynamic Models of Appraisal Networks Explaining Collective Learning. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :3554-3559.
2016. Dynamic Partitioning and Coverage Control With Asynchronous One-to-Base-Station Communication. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL OF NETWORK SYSTEMS. 3:24-33.
2016. Dynamics of ferrofluid drop deformations under spatially uniform magnetic fields. JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS. 802:245-262.
2016. An Efficient Object Tracking Method on Quad-/Oc-Trees. PLOS ONE. 11
2016. Enhanced Model Predictive Control (eMPC) Strategy for Automated Glucose Control. INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH. 55:11857-11868.
2016. On the equivalence between global recurrence and the existence of a smooth Lyapunov function for hybrid systems. SYSTEMS & CONTROL LETTERS. 88:54-61.