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Ganguli A, Cortes J, Bullo F.  2006.  Distributed deployment of asynchronous guards in art galleries. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 1-12:1416-+.
Galan MR, SIMONS S.  2002.  A new minimax theorem and a perturbed James's theorem. BULLETIN OF THE AUSTRALIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY. 66:43-56.
Gadkar K, Doyle FJ.  2003.  Nonlinear metabolic model-based control of ethanol in Escherichia coli. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN CONTROL CONFERENCE. :2377-2382.
Gadkar KG, Doyle, III FJ, Mahadevan R.  2006.  Optimal genetic manipulations in batch bioreactor control. AUTOMATICA. 42:1723-1733.
Gadkar K, Sauter T, Allgower F, Kremling A, Bullinger E, Doyle FJ, Fischer S, Gilles ED.  2004.  A benchmark for methods in reverse engineering and model discrimination: Problem formulation and solutions. GENOME RESEARCH. 14:1773-1785.
Fujii S, Morse AS, Hespanha JP.  1998.  Supervisory control of families of noise suppressing controllers. IEEE CONFERENCE ON DECISION AND CONTROL - PROCEEDINGS. :1641-1646.
Fu J, Petzold LR, Wu S.  2015.  Adaptive deployment of model reductions for tau-leaping simulation. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 142
Fu J, Petzold LR, Wu S.  2013.  Time dependent solution for acceleration of tau-leaping. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS. 235:446-457.
Fu J, Petzold LR, Wu S, Sanft KR, Roh M, Lim RKwei.  2011.  StochKit2: software for discrete stochastic simulation of biochemical systems with events. BIOINFORMATICS. 27:2457-2458.
Frigo M, Leiserson CE, Buluc A, Gilbert JR, Fineman JT.  2009.  Parallel Sparse Matrix-Vector and Matrix-Transpose-Vector Multiplication Using Compressed Sparse Blocks. :233-244.
Frewen TA, Moehlis J, Kevrekidis IG, Kolpas A.  2008.  Coarse analysis of collective motion with different communication mechanisms. MATHEMATICAL BIOSCIENCES. 214:49-57.
Frederick MJ, Ramanath G, Cao A, Ajayan PM, Turner K, Baskaran R.  2003.  Direction-selective and length-tunable in-plane growth of carbon nanotubes. ADVANCED MATERIALS. 15:1105-+.
Frazzoli E, Bullo F, Savla K.  2008.  Traveling salesperson problems for the dubins vehicle. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 53:1378-1391.
Frazzoli E, Bullo F, Pavone M, Arsie A.  2011.  Distributed Algorithms for Environment Partitioning in Mobile Robotic Networks. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 56:1834-1848.
Frazzoli E, Bullo F, Pavone M, Arsie A.  2009.  Equitable Partitioning Policies for Robotic Networks. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation ICRA. :3979-+.
Frazzoli E, Bullo F, Pavone M.  2011.  Adaptive and Distributed Algorithms for Vehicle Routing in a Stochastic and Dynamic Environment. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 56:1259-1274.
Frazzoli E, Bullo F, Savla K, Enright JJ.  2009.  Stochastic and Dynamic Routing Problems for Multiple Uninhabited Aerial Vehicles. JOURNAL OF GUIDANCE CONTROL AND DYNAMICS. 32:1152-1166.
Frazzoli E, Bullo F, Pavone M.  2007.  Decentralized algorithms for stochastic and dynamic vehicle routing with general demand distribution. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :6018-+.
Frazzoli E, Bullo F, Pavone M.  2008.  Distributed Policies for Equitable Partitioning: Theory and Applications. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :4191-4197.
Fox A, Lugowski A, Williams S, Oliker L, Kamil S, Buluc A, Duriakova E, Gilbert JR.  2015.  Parallel processing of filtered queries in attributed semantic graphs. JOURNAL OF PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING. 79-80:115-131.
Fox A, Lugowski A, Williams S, Oliker L, Kamil S, Buluc A, Gilbert JR.  2012.  High-Performance Analysis of Filtered Semantic Graphs. International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques. :463-464.
Fox A, Lugowski A, Williams S, Oliker L, Kamil S, Buluc A, Duriakova E, Gilbert JR.  2013.  High-Productivity and High-Performance Analysis of Filtered Semantic Graphs. International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium IPDPS. :237-248.
Fowler JM, Bamieh B, Jovanovic MR, D'Andrea R.  2004.  On avoiding saturation in the control of vehicular platoons. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :2257-2262.
Forni F., Teel A.R, Zaccarian L..  2011.  Tracking control in billiards using mirrors without smoke, Part II: additional Lyapunov-based local and global results. :3289-3294.
