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Northen MT, Turner KL.  2005.  Multi-scale compliant structures for use as a chip-scale dry adhesive. :2044-2047.
Mathew G, Mezic I, Petzold L.  2005.  A multiscale measure for mixing. PHYSICA D-NONLINEAR PHENOMENA. 211:23-46.
Petzold L, Gillespie D, Cao Y.  2005.  Multiscale stochastic simulation algorithm with stochastic partial equilibrium assumption for chemically reacting systems. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS. 206:395-411.
Bullo F, Notarstefano G, Jadbabaie A, Savla K.  2006.  Maintaining limited-range connectivity among second-order agents. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 1-12:2124-+.
Helton JW, Putinar M, McCullough S.  2006.  Matrix representations for positive noncommutative polynomials. POSITIVITY. 10:145-163.
Ganguli A, Cortes J, Bullo F.  2006.  Maximizing visibility in nonconvex polygons: Nonsmooth analysis and gradient algorithm design. SIAM JOURNAL ON CONTROL AND OPTIMIZATION. 45:1657-1679.
Northen MT, Turner KL.  2006.  Meso-scale adhesion testing of integrated micro- and nano-scale structures. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL. 130:583-587.
Aguiar AP, Hespanha JP.  2006.  Minimum-energy state estimation for systems with perspective outputs. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 51:226-241.
Teel AR, Zurakowski R.  2006.  A model predictive control based scheduling method for HIV therapy. JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY. 238:368-382.
Doyle, III FJ, Pistikopoulos EN, Dua P.  2006.  Model-based blood glucose control for Type 1 diabetes via parametric programming. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING. 53:1478-1491.
Doyle, III FJ, Mercangoz M.  2006.  Model-based control in the pulp and paper industry. IEEE CONTROL SYSTEMS MAGAZINE. 26:30-39.
Bhagavathy S, Manjunath B.S.  2006.  Modeling and detection of geospatial objects using texture motifs. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING. 44:3706-3715.
Hespanha J.P.  2006.  Modelling and analysis of stochastic hybrid systems. IEE PROCEEDINGS-CONTROL THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. 153:520-535.
Khammash M, Gross CA, Kurata H, El-Samad H, Grigorova I, Iwasaki R, Ohtake H, Doyle JC.  2006.  Module-based analysis of robustness tradeoffs in the heat shock response system. PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY. 2:663-675.
Singh A, Hespanha JPedro.  2006.  Moment closure techniques for stochastic models in population biology. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 1-12:4730-+.
Bullo F, Susca S, Martinez S.  2006.  Monitoring environmental boundaries with a robotic sensor network. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 1-12:2072-+.
Zheng ZM, Petzold L, Parra A, Stroumpoulis D, Tirrell M.  2006.  A Monte Carlo simulation study of lipid bilayer formation on hydrophilic substrates from vesicle solutions. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 124
Sumengen B, Manjunath B.S, Fedorov D.  2006.  Multi-focus imaging using local focus estimation and mosaicking. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP. :2093-+.
Venkatesh K.V, Doyle, III FJ, Chaudhary N, Bhartiya S.  2006.  Multiple feedback loop design in the tryptophan regulatory network of Escherichia coli suggests a paradigm for robust regulation of processes in series. JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY INTERFACE. 3:383-391.
Scheiderer C, Putinar M.  2006.  Multivariate moment problems: Geometry and indeterminateness. ANNALI DELLA SCUOLA NORMALE SUPERIORE DI PISA-CLASSE DI SCIENZE. 5:137-157.
John T., Mezic I..  2007.  Maximizing mixing and alignment of orientable particles for reaction enhancement. PHYSICS OF FLUIDS. 19
Mezic I, Eisenhower B.  2007.  A mechanism for energy transfer leading to conformation change in networked nonlinear systems. IEEE CONFERENCE ON DECISION AND CONTROL - PROCEEDINGS. :3050-3055.
Agrawal D, Abbadi AEl, Yu H.  2007.  MEMS based storage architecture for relational databases. VLDB JOURNAL. 16:251-268.
Rodwell MJW, Madhow U, Belding EM, Ziliotto F, Singh S.  2007.  Millimeter wave WPAN Cross-layer Modeling and multihop architecture. IEEE INFOCOM. :2336-+.
Rodwell MJW, Madhow U, Ananthasubramaniam B, Seo M.  2007.  Millimeterwave (60 GHz) imaging wireless sensor network: Recent progress. :396-400.
