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Manjunath BS, Mitra SK, Mukherjee D, Chae JJ.  2000.  A source and channel-coding framework for vector-based data hiding in video. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY. 10:630-645.
Shah VB, ReinhaRdt S, Gilbert J.  2011.  Some Graph Algorithms in an Array-Based Language. GRAPH ALGORITHMS IN THE LANGUAGE OF LINEAR ALGEBRA. 22:29-43.
Gu M, Pals T, Chandrasekaran S, Van der Veen AJ, Dewilde P, Sun X, White D.  2005.  Some fast algorithms for sequentially semiseparable representations. SIAM JOURNAL ON MATRIX ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS. 27:341-364.
Popovic D, Teel AR.  2001.  Solving smooth and nonsmoooth multivariable extremum seeking problems by the methods of nonlinear programming. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN CONTROL CONFERENCE. :2394-2399.
Budak C, Buluc A, Gilbert JR.  2010.  Solving path problems on the GPU. PARALLEL COMPUTING. 36:241-253.
Putinar M, Vasilescu FH.  1999.  Solving moment problems by dimensional extension. ANNALS OF MATHEMATICS. 149:1087-1107.
Putinar M, Vasilescu FH.  1999.  Solving moment problems by dimensional extension. COMPTES RENDUS DE L ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES SERIE I-MATHEMATIQUE. 328:495-499.
Guittet A, Lepilliez M, Gibou F, Tanguy S.  2015.  Solving elliptic problems with discontinuities on irregular domains - the Voronoi Interface Method. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS. 298:747-765.
Bullo F, Dorfler F, Simpson-Porco JW.  2015.  A Solvability Condition for Reactive Power Flow. :2013-2017.
Teel AR, Goebel R.  2006.  Solutions to hybrid inclusions via set and graphical convergence with stability theory applications. AUTOMATICA. 42:573-587.
Doyle FJ, Immanuel CD.  2005.  Solution technique for a multi-dimensional population balance model describing granulation processes. POWDER TECHNOLOGY. 156:213-225.
Salapaka MV, Khammash M, Dahleh M.  1999.  Solution of MIMO H(2)/l(l) problem without zero interpolation. SIAM JOURNAL ON CONTROL AND OPTIMIZATION. 37:1865-1873.
Li ST, Hyman JM, Petzold LR.  2003.  Solution adapted mesh refinement and sensitivity analysis for parabolic partial differential equation systems. LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. 30:117-132.
Terragni F., Bonilla L.L, Birnir B., Carretero M..  2016.  Soliton driven angiogenesis. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 6
Petzold L, Meinhart CD, Mezic I, Zhang YT, Chen H, MacDonald NC.  2004.  SOI processing of a ring electrokinetic chaotic micromixer. :292-295.
Petzold L, Li ST.  2000.  Software and algorithms for sensitivity analysis of large-scale differential algebraic systems. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS. 125:131-145.
Bogdanov P, Singh AK, Szymanski BK, Busch M, Moehlis J.  2013.  The Social Media Genome: Modeling Individual Topic-Specific Behavior in Social Media. :242-248.
Hespanha JP, Sangiovanni-Vincentelli AL, Seshia SA, Shoukry Y, Chong M, Nuzzo P, Tabuada P, Wakaiki M.  2016.  SMT-Based Observer Design for Cyber-Physical Systems Under Sensor Attacks. ACM-IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems.
Teel AR, Loria A, Popovic D, Panteley E.  2006.  Smooth time-varying stabilization of driftless systems over communication channels. SYSTEMS & CONTROL LETTERS. 55:982-991.
Lau C, Byl K.  2015.  Smooth RRT-Connect: An extension of RRT-Connect for practical use in robots. IEEE International Conference on Technologies for Practical Robot Applications.
Prieur C, Teel AR, Goebel R.  2009.  Smooth patchy control Lyapunov functions. AUTOMATICA. 45:675-683.
Prieur C, Teel AR, Goebel R.  2006.  Smooth patchy control Lyapunov functions. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :3273-+.
Bullo F, Durham JW.  2008.  Smooth Nearness-Diagram Navigation. :690-695.
Teel AR, Cai C, Goebel R.  2008.  Smooth Lyapunov functions for hybrid systems part II: (Pre)asymptotically stable compact sets. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 53:734-748.
