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Bullo F, Carli R, Pasqualetti F.  2012.  Distributed estimation via iterative projections with application to power network monitoring. AUTOMATICA. 48:747-758.
Venkateswaran S, Madhow U.  2008.  Distributed Detection with a Minimalistic Signal Model: A Framework for Exploiting Correlated Sensing. :1597-1601.
Ganguli A, Cortes J, Bullo F.  2006.  Distributed deployment of asynchronous guards in art galleries. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 1-12:1416-+.
Manjunath BS, Singh AK, Murphy RF.  2004.  A distributed database for bio-molecular images. SIGMOD RECORD. 33:65-71.
Mudumbai R, Madhow U, Singh S.  2010.  Distributed coordination with deaf neighbors: efficient medium access for 60 GHz mesh networks. IEEE INFOCOM.
Epperlein JP, Bamieh B.  2014.  Distributed Control of Spatially Invariant Systems over Sobolev Spaces. :2133-2138.
Bamieh B, Paganini F, Dahleh MA.  2002.  Distributed control of spatially invariant systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 47:1091-1107.
Mezic I, Hagen G, Bamieh B.  2004.  Distributed control design for parabolic evolution equations: Application to compressor stall control. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 49:1247-1258.
Patterson S, Bamieh B.  2008.  Distributed Consensus with Link Failures as a Structured Stochastic Uncertainty Problem. Annual Allerton Conference on Communication Control and Computing. :623-+.
Bullo F, Notarstefano G.  2006.  Distributed consensus on enclosing shapes and minimum time rendezvous. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :4296-+.
Mudumbai R, Rahman MMahboob Ur, Quitin F, Madhow U.  2012.  Distributed beamforming with software-defined radios: frequency synchronization and digital feedback. IEEE Global Communications Conference. :4787-4792.
Madhow U, Barriac G, Mudumbai R.  2004.  Distributed beamforming for information transfer in sensor networks. :81-88.
Patterson S, Bamieh B, Abbadi AEl.  2007.  Distributed average consensus with stochastic communication failures. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :5577-+.
Bullo F, Susca S, Martinez S.  2006.  Distributed algorithms for polygonal approximation of convex contours. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :6512-+.
Frazzoli E, Bullo F, Pavone M, Arsie A.  2011.  Distributed Algorithms for Environment Partitioning in Mobile Robotic Networks. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 56:1834-1848.
Bullo F, Notarstefano G.  2011.  Distributed Abstract Optimization via Constraints Consensus: Theory and Applications. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 56:2247-2261.
Caffarelli LA, Crandall MG.  2010.  Distance Functions and Almost Global Solutions of Eikonal Equations. COMMUNICATIONS IN PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 35:391-414.
Hu TS, Teel AR, Lin ZL, Goebel R.  2004.  Dissipativity for dual linear differential inclusions through conjugate storage functions. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :2700-2705.
Marsden JE, Krechetnikov R.  2009.  Dissipation-Induced Instability Phenomena in Infinite-Dimensional Systems. ARCHIVE FOR RATIONAL MECHANICS AND ANALYSIS. 194:611-668.
A Abbadi E, Agrawal D, Prabhakar S.  2003.  Disk allocation for fast range and nearest-neighbor queries. DISTRIBUTED AND PARALLEL DATABASES. 14:107-135.
Subbaraman A, Teel AR, Grammatico S.  2013.  Discrete-time stochastic control systems: examples of robustness to strictly causal perturbations. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :6403-6408.
Subbaraman A, Teel AR, Grammatico S.  2013.  Discrete-time stochastic control systems: A continuous Lyapunov function implies robustness to strictly causal perturbations. AUTOMATICA. 49:2939-2952.
Bullo F, Hespanha JP, Bopardikar SD.  2008.  On Discrete-Time Pursuit-Evasion Games With Sensing Limitations. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ROBOTICS. 24:1429-1439.
Tuna SE, Teel AR.  2004.  Discrete-time homogeneous Lyapunov functions for homogeneous difference inclusions. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :1606-1610.
Tuna SE, Messina MJ, Teel AR.  2005.  Discrete-time certainty equivalence output feedback: allowing discontinuous control laws including those from model predictive control. AUTOMATICA. 41:617-628.
