Number | Title | Instructor(s) |
ChE295,ECE295,ME295,CS592 | Control, Dynamical Systems, and Computations Seminar | Teel |
ECE229 | Hybrid Systems | Hespanha, Teel |
ECE238 | Advanced Control Design Laboratory | Byl |
ECE281B,CS281B | Advanced Topics in Computer Vision | Manjunath |
ECE594(FADCS) | Foundations of Analog and Digital Circuits & Systems | Chandrasekaran |
ECE594(UQ) | Uncertainty quantification for engineering design and AI systems | Zhang |
ME225(DSS) | Dynamical Systems with Symmetries | Moehlis |
ME225MM(MMSC) | Mathematical Methods in Systems and Controls | Bamieh |
Number | Title | Instructor(s) |
ChE211A,CS211A,ECE210A,Math206A,ME210A | Matrix Analysis and Computation | Chandrasekaran |
CMPSC140 | Parallel Scientific Computing | Gilbert |
CMPSC219 | Sparse Matrix Algorithms | Gilbert |
CMPSC240A | Applied Parallel Computing | Gilbert |
CS211B,Math206B,ME210B,ChE211B,ECE210B | Numerical Simulation | Petzold |
CS211C,Math206C,ME210C,ChE211C | Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations—Finite Difference Methods | Petzold |
CS211D,Math206D,ME210D,ChE211D | Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations—Finite Elements Methods | Petzold |
ECE273 | Tensor Computation for Machine Learning and Big Data | Zhang |
ECE594(MC) | Matrix Computations | Chandrasekaran |
Number | Title | Instructor(s) |
ME225(MCSDDS) | Modeling and Control of Spatially Distributed Dynamical Systems | Bamieh |
ME225FB(CCRN) | Cooperative Control of Robotic Networks | Bullo |
ME225SO | Pattern formation and Self-Organization | Campas |
ME245 | Modeling and Control of Spatially Distributed Systems | Bamieh |
Number | Title | Instructor(s) |
ECE149 | Game Theory and Multiagent Systems | Marden |
ECE270 | Noncooperative Game Theory | Hespanha |
ECE549(AGT) | Algorithmic Game Theory | Marden |
ECE594(SMD) | Strategic Mechanism Design | Marden |
Number | Title | Instructor(s) |
ECE230A,ME243A | Linear Systems I | Hespanha, Bamieh |
ECE230B,ME243B | Linear Systems II | Hespanha, Bamieh |
ECE232,ME256 | Robust Control with Applications | Bamieh |
ECE234 | Modeling, Identification, and Validation for Control | |
ECE594D(FAE) | Fourier Analysis for Engineers | Chandrasekaran |
Number | Title | Instructor(s) |
ECE283 | Machine Learning: A Signal Processing Perspective | Madhow |
ECE284 | Theoretical Machine Learning | Pedarsani |
ECE594(HDP) | High-dimensional probability | Thrampoulidis |
Number | Title | Instructor(s) |
Math118A-B-C | Introduction to Real Analysis | |
Math201A-B-C | Real Analysis | |
Math233A-B-C | Applied Functional Analysis |
Number | Title | Instructor(s) |
ME125KT | Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering: Advanced Dynamics | Foster |
ME16 | Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics | |
ME163 | Engineering Mechanics: Vibrations | Mezic |
ME201 | Advanced Dynamics I | Mezic |
ME202 | Advanced Dynamics II | Mezic |
ME203 | Nonlinear Mechanics | Mezic |
ME215A | Applied Dynamical Systems I | Moehlis |
ME215B | Applied Dynamical Systems II | Moehlis |
ME225 | Dynamical Systems with Symmetries | Moehlis |
ME225FB(GCMS) | Geometric Control of Mechanical Systems | Bullo |
Number | Title | Instructor(s) |
ECE141A,ME141A | Introduction to Nanoelectromechanical and Microelectromechanical systems (NEMS/MEMS) | Foster |
ME291A | Physics of Transducers | Soh |
ME292 | Design of Transducers | Foster |
Number | Title | Instructor(s) |
ECE236,ME236 | Nonlinear Control Systems | Teel |
ECE237,ME237 | Nonlinear Control Design | Teel |
ECE247 | System Identification | Kokotovic |
ECE249 | Adaptive Control Systems | Kokotovic |
ME125 | Nonlinear Geometric Control | Paden |
ME169,ECE183 | Nonlinear Phenomena | Byl, Moehlis |
Number | Title | Instructor(s) |
ChE286 | Model Predictive Control | Rawlings |
ECE194(OMA) | Optimization models and applications | Alizadeh |
ECE271A,ME225AQ | Principles of Optimization: Convex Optimization | Chandrasekaran |
ECE271B | Numerical Optimization Methods | |
ECE271C | Optimal Control of Dynamic Systems | Bamieh |
ME225 | Convex Optimization | Bamieh |
Number | Title | Instructor(s) |
ChE230C | Nonlinear Analysis of Dynamical Systems | Doherty |
ChE252 | Monitoring Process and Control System Performance | Seborg |
ChE256 | Seminar in Process Control | Rawlings |
Number | Title | Instructor(s) |
ECE179D,ME179D | Introduction to Robotics: Robot Dynamics and Control | Byl |
ECE179L,ME179L | Introduction to Robotics: Design Laboratory | |
ECE179P,ME179P | Introduction to Robotics: Planning and Kinematics | Bullo |
ECE194T,ECE 594,MAT594 | Special Topics in Robotics: Haptics | Visell |
ECE289 | Introduction to Robotics: Dynamics and Control | Byl |
ECE594D(RL) | Robot Locomotion | Byl |
ME269,ECE269 | Network Systems | Bullo |
ME270A | Robot Motion | Paden, Bullo |
Number | Title | Instructor(s) |
SOC134N | Social Movements and Social Networks | Friedkin |
SOC147 | Current Issues in Social Psychology | Friedkin |
SOC148,SOC294 | Social Networks Seminar | Friedkin |
SOC148MA,248MA | Introduction to Social Network Methods | Friedkin |
Number | Title | Instructor(s) |
PSTAT213A | Introduction to Probability Theory And Stochastic Processes | |
PSTAT213B | Introduction to Probability Theory And Stochastic Processes | |
PSTAT213C | Introduction to Probability Theory And Stochastic Processes |
Number | Title | Instructor(s) |
ECE205 | Information Theory | Rose |
ECE235 | Stochastic Processes in Engineering | Madow,Pedarsani |
ECE240 | Optimal Estimation and Filtering | Alizadeh |
ECE248 | Kalman and Adaptive Filtering | Byl |
ECE594D(DTHSP) | Discrete Time and Hybrid Stochastic Processes | Teel |
ME225AV(SMC) | Stochastic Modeling and Control | Astrom |
Number | Title | Instructor(s) |
ChE152A | Process Dynamics and Control I | |
ChE152B | Process Dynamics and Control II | |
ECE130A | Signal Analysis and Processing (Continuous-time Transforms) | |
ECE130B | Signal Analysis and Processing (Discrete-time transforms) | Chandrasekaran |
ECE130C | Signal Analysis and Processing (Linear Algebra) | Chandrasekaran |
ECE147A | Feedback Control Systems - Theory and Design | Teel |
ECE147B | Digital Control Systems - Theory and Design | Byl |
ECE147C,ME155C | Control System Design Project | Hespanha, Bamieh |
ENGR3 | Introduction to Programming for Engineers | Moehlis |
ME104 | Sensors, Actuators, and Computer Interfacing (Mechatronics) | Bamieh |
ME155A | Control System Design I | |
ME155B | Control System Design II |